The Zed68 loads programs as raw binaries which can be written in your hex editor of choice.
The system features five unsigned 16-bit registers. A and B are for general artithmetic operations while X and Y are for incrementing.
The instruction width is 32-bit with each instruction being comprised of an 8-bit operator and sub-operator followed by a 16-bit operand.
The operator and sub-operator combine in logical ways to form super-operators that can perform complex operations in a single instruction cycle

operator description
0x00 - Halt Immediately halts system
0x01 - Print register to console Prints register name and contents to console
0x02 - Print value to console Prints register contents as numerical value to console
0x03 - Print character to console Prints value as 16-bit unicode character
0x0A - Jump if flag Jump to specified program line if condition is met
0x0B - Jump if no flag Jump to specified program line if condition is not met
0x40 - Load A Register Loads specified value to A register
0x41 - Store A register Stores A reigster value to specified location
0x42 - Add to A register Adds specified value to A register
0x43 - Subtract from A register Subtract specified value from A register
0x45 - A register multipled by Multiples A register by specified value
0x47 - A register divided by Divides A register by specified value
0x49 - Remainder of A register divided by Divides A register by specified value and returns remainder
0x4A - Flag is A register equal to Set flag if A register value is equal to specified value
0x4B - Flag is A register more than Set flag if A register value is more than specified value
0x4C - Flag is A register less than Set flag if A register value is less than specified value
0x51 - Store B register Stores B reigster value to specified location
0x52 - Add to B register Adds specified value to B register
0x53 - Subtract from B register Subtract specified value from B register
0x55 - B register multipled by Multiples B register by specified value
0x57 - B register divided by Divides B register by specified value
0x59 - Remainder of B register divided by Divides B register by specified value and returns remainder
0x5A - Flag is B register equal to Set flag if B register value is equal to specified value
0x5B - Flag is B register more than Set flag if B register value is more than specified value
0x5C - Flag is B register less than Set flag if B register value is less than specified value
0x60 - Store result Store result from accumulator to specified location
0x61 - Add A and B registers Adds A and B registers and outputs to specified location
0x62 - Multiplies A and B registers Multiplies A and B registers and outputs to specified location
0x63 - A register minus B register Subtracts B register from A register and outputs to specified location
0x64 - B register minus A register Subtracts A register from B register and outputs to specified location
0x65 - A divided by B Divides A register by B register and outputs to specified location
0x66 - B divided by A Divides B register by A register and outputs to specified location
0x67 - Remainder of A divided by B Divides A register by B register and outputs remainder to specified location
0x68 - Remainder of B divided by A Divides A register by B register and outputs remainder to specified location
0x70 - Load X register Load specifed value to X register
0x71 - Store X register Store X register value to specified location
0x72 - Increment X Increment X register by specified value
0x73 - Decrement X Decrement X register by specified value
0x7A - Flag if X equal to Flag if X register value is equal to
0x7B - Flag if X more than Flag if X register value is more than
0x7C - Flag if X less than Flag if X register value is less than
0x80 - Load Y register Load specifed value to Y register
0x81 - Store Y register Store Y register value to specified location
0x82 - Increment Y Increment Y register by specified value
0x83 - Decrement Y Decrement Y register by specified value
0x8A - Flag if Y equal to Flag if Y register value is equal to
0x8B - Flag if Y more than Flag if Y register value is more than
0x8C - Flag if Y less than Flag if Y register value is less than
0x90 - Push Push value to stack
0x91 - Pop Pop value from stack
Sub-operator Description
x00 - Minimum Represents the minimum possible value
x01 - Maximum Represents the maximum possible value
x02 - A register Arbitrary value
x04 - A register 16-bit A register
x05 - B register 16-bit B register
x06 - Accumulator Accumulator stores values of arithmetic operations
x07 - X register 16-bit X register
x08 - Y register 16-bit Y register
x09 - Stack 16-bit stack
x0A - Code RAM Stores program currently being executed
x0B - Work RAM Stores values related to program being executed